A new format to promote Tuscany

A new format to promote Tuscany


Game or TV series? Both. Indeed, it is from this unusual and clever mix that “Fox Hunting” was born, the world’s first series game dedicated to promoting the Region of Tuscany.


With the production of VVT channel – a spin-off of the platform Vieni a Vivere la Toscana dedicated to video productions – Fox Hunting is the pilot series game, which will be followed in October by the filming of the second and third series, which is developed in 8 episodes shot in the provinces of Livorno and Pisa, in particular in the villages of Casale Marittimo, Bibbona, Montescudaio and the town of Cecina.


The player is taken by the hand through a map (which will be completed with each episode) and, must watch each day and perhaps several times carefully, the approximately 2-minute video, where actors will leave clues to spot or puzzles to solve, so he can access the next episode.

By whom?

The original story was written by Francesco Felli, who also directed the first series. Fox Hunting is for all intents and purposes an innovative model of “Gamification” a tool that has now entered de facto and in its own right, into the strategic marketing of companies, which to promote their services/products use gaming to create anticipation and desire towards their customers.

The idea of combining gamification with Entertainment, particularly a short-series, is however, the real innovation and the real bet on which Vieni a Vivere la Toscana has focused. At a time when foreign tourism to Italy, and Tuscany in particular, is almost zero, the goal of this format creates a real “bridge” that always keeps the Tuscany brand alive towards those living abroad. It allows constant contact with the region that one loves and may be able to discover, new places and artisans, to be able to go and meet in person as soon as the limitations in traveling are finally removed. Fox Hunting, the first Tuscany Series Game…the hunt has begun!

Happy VVT and happy gaming to all!


Interview with Riccardo Cresci

Interview with Riccardo Cresci

The interview with Riccardo Cresci inaugurates a series of interviews done with those involved in the administration of a territory. Mayors and city councilors, regional aldermen and all those who in some way have responsibility for what happens in a territory. The slant we wanted to give the interviews is well defined, to have a person from the administration that that territory manages talk about the beauty and excellence of a territory. We will do this in a neutral and cross-cutting way, because we are convinced that the beauty and strength of a territory is also determined by the love and passion of those who live there, whatever role they play in the community.

Watch the interview https://youtu.be/1V1_No5mFeo



Smart Working. New life for hamlets.

Smart Working. New life for hamlets.

“Come and live in Santa Fiora and work in smart working surrounded by nature.” With this slogan, Federico Balocchi, Mayor of Santa Fiora, a beautiful village of 3,000 souls on the slopes of Mount Amiata, intends to convince anyone who would like to change their life, to move to Santa Fiora. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is especially in difficult times that we need to think creatively to find new ways and new solutions. So it was with great curiosity that I searched and read about this initiative in the various press releases and, I will not hide that with enthusiasm I decided to write about the initiative that I certainly consider a new model of “unconventional Territorial marketing” that I find simply brilliant! Most likely, at this time it is one of the first experiences of its kind in Tuscany and in Italy, perhaps the first, in practice in a historical moment of great social disintegration, an entire country, united, decides to make its real estate available for those who want to move to Santa Fiora. For his part, the mayor has made sure to equip the entire village with a stable connection with ultrawideband, which allows you to work safely remotely, in smartworking. So if you want for a period of your life to work in an ancient village, on the vivinpaese.it website you will find the call for applications for a voucher of a maximum of 200.00 euros to cover the expenses incurred in renting the property and for a duration not exceeding six months. On the site in addition to the housing still available, you will find all the services that the municipality provides for new citizens, baby sitter, doctor, plumber…

So… for those who want to change their lives, Santa Fiora is ready to welcome you.

Happy VVT to all!


Smart Working. New life for hamlets.

Smart Working. Nuova vita per i borghi.

“Vieni a vivere a Santa Fiora e lavora in smart working immerso nella natura”. Con questo slogan Federico Balocchi, Sindaco di Santa Fiora, splendido borgo di 3000 anime alle pendici del monte Amiata, intende convincere chiunque volesse cambiare vita, a trasferirsi a Santa Fiora. Per quanto mi riguarda, ritengo che è soprattutto nei momenti difficili, che occorre ragionare con un pensiero creativo per trovare nuove strade e nuove soluzioni. Quindi è con grande curiosità che ho cercato e letto di questa iniziativa nei vari comunicati stampa e, non nascondo che con entusiasmo ho deciso di scrivere dell’iniziativa che sicuramente ritengo un nuovo modello di “marketing Territoriale non Convenzionale” che trovo semplicemente geniale! Molto probabilmente, in questo momento è una delle prime esperienze del genere in Toscana e in Italia, forse la prima, in pratica in un momento storico di grande disgregazione sociale, un intero paese, unito, decide di mettere a disposizione i propri immobili per chi vuole trasferirsi a Santa Fiora. Da parte sua il Sindaco ha fatto in modo di dotare l’intero borgo di una connessione stabile con banda ultralarga, che permette di lavorare in sicurezza da remoto, in smartworking. Quindi se volete per un periodo della vostra vita lavorare in un borgo antico, sul sito vivinpaese.it troverete il bando per ottenere il voucher di un massimo di 200,00 euro a copertura delle spese sostenute per l’affitto dell’immobile e per una durata non superiore ai sei mesi. Sul sito oltre alle abitazioni ancora disponibili, troverete tutti i servizi che il comune mette a disposizione dei nuovi cittadini, baby sitter, medico, idraulico…

E allora… per chi vuole cambiar vita, Santa Fiora è pronta ad accogliervi.

Buon VVT a tutti!

Interview with Riccardo Cresci

Intervista Riccardo Cresci

L’intervista con Riccardo Cresci inaugura un percorso di interviste fatte a coloro che si occupano dell’amministrazione di un territorio. Sindaci e Consiglieri comunali, assessori regionali e tutti coloro che in qualche modo hanno la responsabilità di quello che accade in un territorio. Il taglio che abbiamo voluto dare alle interviste è ben definito, far parlare delle bellezze ed eccellenze di un territorio, da un personaggio dell’amministrazione che quel territorio gestisce. Lo faremo in modo neutrale e trasversale, perché siamo convinti che la bellezza e la forza di un territorio è determinata anche dall’amore e dalla passione di chi ci vive, qualunque ruolo esso abbia nella comunità.

Guarda l’intervista https://youtu.be/1V1_No5mFeo